
The main peculiarity of a classification essay is categorizing things into proper groups.

In order to prepare a great classification essay it is necessary to take the following directions:

  • Categorize things into suitable groups;
  • Make sure that the groups are created according to a single criterion;
  • Illustrate each group with good examples.

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Creating Groups

This is a fundamental step to preparing a classification essay. It is very important to sort things in the right way and form suitable groups for them. Imagine that you need to arrange documents in your office appropriately. In this case, it is much better to identify suitable categories for different types of documents rather than group them randomly. Thus, you may classify your files in the following groups: a). documents that have to be examined urgently; b). papers that have to be sent to colleagues; c). forms that have to be filled in; and d). documents that need to be thrown away.

Producing a Thesis Statement

A thesis statement should demonstrate the importance of the topic and present the made classification of items. Usually, it is necessary to mention the following items:

  • Topic
  • Its classification
  • Present the identified groups, i.e. group 1, group 2, group 3.

Example: Tourists can play three main kinds of sport while visiting Hawaii. They are diving, surfing, and barefoot skiing.

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Helpful Classification Essay Writing Tips

  1. Think about the groups you want to create. You should be very attentive in order to define appropriate categories. Your paper will be incomplete if you miss any of them. For example, when talking about water sport in Hawaii it is necessary to mention all its main kinds, i.e. diving, surfing, and barefoot skiing. Not a single item should be omitted. On the other hand, it is absolutely useless to create an excess number of groups as your classification may be confusing. If you write about the types of sport shoes, for example, it will be illogical to regard high-heeled shoes as those relating to sport.
  2. All groups should be created according to one selection criterion. Thus, when your groups are formed, you need to make sure that they are set in accordance with the same selection criterion. You have to be confident that no new selection criteria will appear. For example, when writing a classification essay about the kinds of water sport for tourists, you should not mention those for local citizens. This will be another classification with different groups.
  3. Provide examples to characterize each group of items. Make sure that each group has an equal number of examples. Note that the most essential category is usually described in the last way.

Classification Essay Sample For Free

Art has different forms of expression in which dance is the most prominent one. Dance that was used to be a hobby once has now grown into a profession and is perceived as an industry. Dance allows a person of any age and gender to heal and helps to express what they are, feel, and aim at. This art has been practiced for centuries and is now performed in different varieties all over the world. Most dances have been evolved from different cultures and represent those geographic areas heritage… Read more

Typical Classification Essay Transitions

Usually, classifications are presented in a logical order. The defined categories follow one another i.e. you start with the description of the first group, then the second, third, etc.

When writing a classification essay, it is of immense importance to sort the discussed items properly. Make sure to create suitable categories. In addition, you need to apply a unique selection criterion and present each group by citing clear examples.

Check the list of topics for classification essays given below:

  • Important historic events in the United States
  • Remarkable theatrical performances in the USA
  • Electric cars
  • Classification of mental diseases
  • Cities in the USA – classify them according to their size, population, territorial peculiarities, industry, etc.

You are free to write a classification essay on any topic you are aware of.

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