
Focusing on the elements of a case study while learning you may hand in a top-quality paper easier than you may think. A case study assignment is a task where you need to turn to real-world situations when you prepare a task. Learn how to apply your theoretical knowledge and researched data in real-life circumstances. This is a good chance to check what you know for now. Professors adore such assignments as the only way to see the level of understanding of a theme. Moreover, such tasks show whether students can apply the obtained information in daily life. The major problem of many students is that the information they learn is seen as some data one needs to remember. However, only a few students think about applying the obtained knowledge in practice. Thus, a case study is a good means of practicing how to use obtained knowledge in real-life situations.


Case Study Definition

A case study is a writing assignment. You analyze a particular situation, event, or problem and develop conclusions. Here, you should use your prior knowledge and experience. The main difference between a case study and other research papers is that you cannot complete this assignment in a laboratory. You need real-life situations to refer to when writing a paper. When you get an assignment, you need to focus on real data. For example, you may take a specific country, a company, or a group of people for your research. Such tasks are usually a part of the economy, nursing, business, marketing, management, and other classes. Everything depends on your imagination and the creativity of your tutor.

One of the major purposes of this task is to seek patterns and causes of behavior to see the parallels in theory and practice. Start your writing with a choice of a real-life situation and example. You need to complete this step no matter what theme you wish to develop in your study. Follow the reactions of people when you analyze cases and events. You learn not on some theoretical examples, but using real-life circumstances and situations.

Case Study Pros and Cons

There are both advantages and disadvantages of using this type of academic assignment. You need to know about them as it will help you write your paper focusing on the advantages and pay attention to disadvantages and try to cover them. The major advantages of case study projects are the reference to reality. You may make some experiments and test hypotheses you cannot confirm in laboratories. Here are some of the major benefits of the task:

  • You can gather real-life data and draw the conclusions you will be able to use in daily life.
  • You can collect data about some rare or unusual cases.
  • You can research unique real-life situations you can never even think about.

However, there are also the disadvantages of case study projects, such as:

  • You may not be able to generalize the findings.
  • You may be unable to notice cause and effect patterns.
  • Not all real-life situations may have scientific ground and justification.
  • Real-world situations and cases may be highly biased.

So, if you need to create an original case for your college class, you should expect to face some unique and unusual situations. Laboratory experiments, qualitative studies, or quantitative designs always have some expected outcomes. You never know the possible results when you work with real data. At the same time, some new and unexpected information may guide your study. Think that your conclusions may contribute to the field of studies.

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Case Study Types

There are several types of case study projects you need to know to work on an assignment. This knowledge will help you structure your work and search for the relevant information only:

  • Collective case study. You choose this type of assignment if you study a group of people in a particular setting or obtain some similar characteristics.
  • Descriptive case study. This research type may help check a theory. In this case, you will observe some situations and see what happens.
  • Explanatory case study. Use this type of assignment to see the consequences of some events or to investigate the factors of a particular situation.
  • Exploratory case study. This research type may help you gather more information about your research question. If you want to check some facts before developing a hypothesis, this type of study will also help.
  • Instrumental case study. Use this type of assignment if you need to get some specific idea regarding a particular problem. This type helps see more than one can think about. Intrinsic case study. This type of research is an opportunity to research a particular problem you are interested in. Jean Piaget’s observation of personal children is an example of this type of research when one observes some events he/she is involved in.

There are no good or bad versions of academic case studies. You decide which type to choose depending on your particular purposes, needs, and expectations. If you are not sure what type you need for your situation, you may use our professional help and worry about nothing. Place an order with us if you have any doubts and get a top-quality custom paper that fully corresponds to your requirements. Our writers and editors will do the writing task quickly and professionally.

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What Are the Elements of a Case Study?

There are 8 elements of a case study no matter which type of research you have decided to use. Follow this structure to make your paper logical and easy to follow.

1. Executive Summary

This section summarizes the whole project. A reader may get to know what your project is about having referred to this section only. You should provide detailed information and at the same time write concisely and logically.

2. Introduction

This is the first section of your project. It creates the first impression from your paper and either motivates the audience to continue reading or discourages it to do it. Overall, you should set research goals, discuss their significance, and provide a thesis statement to set clear objectives for writing.

3. Literary Review

This section provides a detailed critical analysis of the literature sources related to the topic of your research. This section will help you define the knowledge gap and justify your choice of a research question.

4. Method/Findings/Discussion

You may put all the information in one chapter or divide it into three sections. Use subheadings to guide you through data sets. Just make sure that you cover the methods used, the findings obtained, and the discussion of the data. This section should contain references under the methodology and the discussion subsections.

5. Solutions/Recommendations/Implementation

When you have already obtained some findings and discussed those, you may see how this information will help you resolve your problem. Moreover, you may recommend some actions and strategies to solve the issues and consider the implications of your results.

6. Conclusion

Always summarize your ideas as soon as you finish writing. This will help you see a bigger picture of what you have achieved by conducting this research.

7. References or Bibliography

This section is always provided at the end of the project and appears on a separate page. List all the sources you used; mind the citation style assigned in your instructions.

8. Appendices (if applicable)

Some case studies may contain graphs, images, raw data, and other types of information. These sections carry important meaning but take too much space in the body of the paper. Put them in the appendices to help the reader use these subsidiary materials for a better understanding of your ideas.

Note. Always check instructions and follow them as the format presented above is a recommendation. Your professor may require other sections or another organization of these parts. Always set your guidelines for writing as a priority. Use this case study format only if you do not have a strict structure in your instructions.

How to Write a Case Study Assignment

The 8 elements of an academic case study presented above usually fall into shorter five areas of work. Check how to structure your written text and what information to prepare for each section.

  • Introduction/Summary. Clearly state your topic and discuss what factors motivated you for writing this project. Set your goals, research questions, and expectations. You may focus on the setting and/ or the group of people you are going to discuss. Provide a rationale for your research.
  • Background Data/Literature Review. Search for the literature and make notes of the best ideas. Use your notes for composing a literature review. Here you need to refer to the major findings in the sources and correlate those with the topic you have selected. Use your critical and analytical thinking skills to write this section.
  • Method/Findings. Provide the details of your research strategy and discuss the results you have obtained. Describe in detail what you do in this study and what information you receive after your manipulations. Just make notes of the research procedure to write this section.
  • Discussion/Solutions. Refer to your research question(s) and/ or a thesis statement. What did you plan to achieve before you started this research? Have you managed to reach the expected outcomes? Can you find the support of your results in other sources? How can you apply your findings in real life?
  • Conclusion. Summarize the overall paper here. You may indicate the initial research questions, the methods you have used, and the results you have obtained. Write logically and concisely. Make a statement about how your paper can help in further research.

If this is your first case study, ask about the examples and read those attentively. This information will help you understand what a professor expects from you.

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