Narrative essays are a type of writing where the writer provides an account of a particular situation or event. This genre of essay is often given to students as an academic assignment. Usually, these essays are a short version of a narrative-style novel. The primary objective is storytelling, i.e., the writer tells a story with the aim of making the narrative as interesting and engaging as possible for their readers. More so than other types of essays, the narrative essay gives the writer scope to be creative.
While narrative essays have the appearance of short stories, they are often based on the writer’s own personal experiences. This implies they are non-fictional in nature.
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When they are first instructed to write a narrative essay, a lot of students are not sure what is required of them. But now that you understand this involves telling a story about, say, something that happened to you or something you witnessed, your next question is likely to concern the mechanics of actually writing the essay e.g. how to approach the assignment. Well, to begin with, it is important to say that writing an essay about one’s own experiences is not as difficult as writing an essay on, for instance, a complex scientific subject. Nonetheless, it requires focus and meticulous attention to detail. Another important point is that most narrative essays are written from the writer’s own perspective (e.g., from the “I” point of view) since the narrative usually relates to something the writer has experienced first-hand.
So, once you understand these basic principles, the process becomes much easier, and not least because there is a very wide range of topics one can write about. Another good thing is that a narrative essay does not stipulate a strict style, so the writer can choose any writing style they like. Nevertheless, this does not mean you have complete freedom to do as you please. There are some basic rules such as the structure described above i.e. introduction, body parts, and conclusion. And a further factor to bear in mind is that narrative essays should be aimed at the reader and they should be written in a creative manner.
Possibly the next question you will face is what to write about. If you think about your life, it is probably true to say that, like most people, it is likely you have more than one story or experience that is worth telling others about. The fact is that you can recount any experience you think is interesting and that you think your readers will be interested in hearing. However, while the narrative writing style may not be as difficult as some other genres of writing, there are still some tricky bits you will need to negotiate. For example, every part of your essay will need to be prepared carefully so that facts do not become confused or the chronological order mixed up.
To kick-start the process, you need to get some ideas to play around with. If you are stuck at this point and cannot think of anything, a brainstorming session can be a great help since this technique is well known for getting thoughts and ideas flowing. It does not matter whether you choose something from your early childhood years or something that happened recently. An event that changed your life or altered your views in some way can be an interesting topic to write about. Or why not describe a really interesting person you encountered somewhere? In addition, remember, you do not have to write about yourself. You can write about something that happened to someone you know or some experience they had, but you should still tell the story from your own personal perspective. As you can see, the range of topics for a narrative essay is endless.
Because narrative topics are often of a personal nature, they can arouse feelings of emotion in the writer (and in the reader), so it is important you remain focused on the recommended structure. For example, you could begin with a proverb, fact, or statement that briefly “sets the scene” or provides an overview of what you will be writing about. This is a very good starting point and, at this stage, you can just write down everything that comes to mind or that you can recollect about the event or experience you are writing about. In this first draft, it does not matter if the order gets messy because you will be able to edit what you have written at a later time.
Describe the background to the event e.g. how it started. Then go on to describe how that event unfolded and what the eventual outcome was. Share any ideas you have with your readers, say how you felt and what you thought. Remember to describe how everything occurred in chronological order. One of your objectives is to capture and retain the attention of your readers, and to do this, it is a good idea to include some personal observations and relevant detail. Address the “what,” “when,” “how,” “where” and “who” questions and you have essentially created the body of your essay.
When you reach the conclusion, make sure this does not interrupt or end your narrative in an abrupt way. Wrap everything you have said up neatly. To achieve this, revisit the beginning of your essay and remind readers where and how your story started. Reiterate the importance of this experience in light of the outcome and say whether you think there are any valuable lessons that can be learned.
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As the world is constantly facing the aspect of change, it is becoming increasingly evident that the level of knowledge held by each and every individual should be elevated to a specified level. It is as if we are approaching perfection by the way we are perfecting the approach. Even as the rest of the world is inclining towards useful knowledge one person I know, by the name of Dave, is certainly destined to lag behind from the way he has been conducting his life.
Probably the most famous guy from the neighborhood his life revolves around petty stuff that depicts some kind of ignorance. Having dropped from school on several occasions Dave was unequivocally destined for doom as evident in the kinds of philosophies he held dear. With a mentality that is obviously devoid of intelligence, the young man’s ways are bred on principles of shady capitalistic ideologies that easily drive one to act in selfishness on issues that hold no water. Although he has many dreams and ambitions in his mind, Dave is to success what luxury is to poverty. This has been boosted by the fact that he takes no time to implement his dreams with the best thing he does being the talk and no walk at all. Therefore, whenever the impulse to act on his dreams arises, he shoves it off posing an attitude of having enough with enough. Looking keenly at his tendency to be left behind, one is able to discover the issue of intellectual inability that does more harm than good in this era of knowledge. While his peers toil around in search of knowledge and making ends meet, Dave is usually busy lazing around the neighborhood in search of fantasies that drove him into incarceration a number of times back. His ill advised beliefs drive him towards believing in his own versions of right and wrong preferring to laze around other than follow the example of other youths. It is as if the darkness is light watching him seemingly raise a gun with no bullets ready for self defense.
All those who have known him will definitely turn their heads wherever they meet him probably being reminded of his many episodes in the neighborhood by his sight. His story is actually interesting for the entertainment part of it, albeit certainly not for those concerned with his future. Some people may term it as a life that was given to him while others put the burden on his shoulders considering the choices he makes.
In conclusion, Dave can be classified as an intellectual dwarf in this era of dependence on the real capability of person as prepared by good education and individual hunger for success and intelligence. The illusions of wealth that run through his brain must actually be addressed to him by those who care since the message may not be penned down but it is evident. He definitely has a chance in these changing times courtesy of change.
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